vrijdag 20 juni 2014

'Imaginary Creatures' (part 2)

Ik werkte eindelijk nog eens wat verder in mijn 'journal book' met 'imaginary creatures'. De Online Class 'A Hermit's Compendium Of Imaginary Creatures' is echt super! Stap voor stap legt Micki Wilde je uit hoe je deze leuke & grappige wezentjes kan tekenen!
Ik maakte ook nog een paar 'blog-figuurtjes'. Gewoon een vlek verf... en zo ontstaan er nieuwe figuurtjes die je later dan weer kan gebruiken! Super! 

I did some painting at my journal book of imaginary creatures. The Online class 'A Hermit's Compendium Of Imaginary Creatures' of Micki Wilde is really fun! Step by step you learn to paint  sweet creatures.
I also made some more 'blog-animals'. Just some paint and fantasy, and new creatures are comming alive! I love this!
Groetjes, Saskia

31 opmerkingen:

  1. This is so adorable! you did a great job :oD
    I love Micki's art!

  2. Very nice work. My computer is acting up so I better go. Well done. gloria

  3. Love those adorable creatures! Valerie

  4. I love all of your adorable little creatures! Great work

  5. The very best thing is to sit down and create phantasy creatures. I love yours and your use of colors too. Lovely!

  6. Of course I love your creature with his mustard and grey stripes and his sweet face. He looks very happy on his page.
    And I really like the other creatures too, just my kind of art.

  7. I love your adorable creatures. You have so much creativity!

  8. these are such cute imaginative little creatures!

  9. Very fun! They all have such great personalities. Thanks for the great post.

  10. Adorable characters...love them! Very happy post!

    Hugs Giggles

  11. those creatures are adorable... sure they bring smiles to everyone who sees them...xx

  12. That's a marvelous collection of fantasy creatures, especially that bumble bee. Blessings!

  13. How fun to be so inspired! Wonderful, happy little bumblebee!! Happy PPF!

  14. love them! My favorite is the one with the heart on it.

  15. oooohh I like this little guy and his friends too.
    Well done

  16. Deze zijn schattig! Leuk die hartjes overal ...

  17. that bee-like creature is rather cute. I can see him flying around large sunflowers & having fun.

    have a great day.

  18. Aww, he's very cute and the background looks like a nice little habitat for him to live in :)

  19. Your imaginary creatures have a huge cuteness factor...adorable!

  20. Your sketches are adorable and I love the backgrounds too. Happy SS

  21. Oh my goodness, these are sooo cute! And so are your knitted creatures in the posts above and below:-)

  22. Oh my goodness, these are sooo cute! And so are your knitted creatures in the posts above and below:-)

  23. Oh my goodness, totally adorable! The bee! The birds! Super cute. :)

  24. Your imaginary creatures are spectacular.Your bee is so cute! Happy PPF

  25. Dit vind ik écht superrrr! Ben benieuwd naar volgende posts over je journal!
    Ik probeer je te volgen, alleen moet ik nog even aan de slag met Google Friend Connect, zie ik, anders lukt het niet. Komt goed.


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my blog. Have a great day. Greetings, Saskia