vrijdag 9 januari 2015

Bloemenmeisje - Flowergirl

Dit bloemenmeisje zat al langer ergens in m'n hoofd... en nu staat ze eindelijk ook op papier! Ik gebruikte origami-papier (voor het jurkje), stempels (voor de bloemen en voor de achtergrond), verf en lijm. En dan maakte ik er meteen ook maar een bijpassend vaasje en geluksdoosje bij! Heerlijk met die bloemen nu naast me!

This flowergirl was already in my head since a long time, and now also on paper! I used origami-papers, stamps, paint,... And I also decorated a vase and a little box. Lovely to have those flowers around me!

Groetjes, Saskia

21 opmerkingen:

  1. Oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE her,the vase and the box! Gorgeous work that makes me SOOOOO happy!

    Hugs Giggles

  2. Beautiful work, and I love the flower girl, I must try that! Hugs, Valerie

  3. She is so lovely done.. I so like her! And the vase and box matches her perfectly!
    great to meet you at PPF!
    Happy weekend!

  4. gorgeous!! Loving the flowery hair!! :-)

  5. I absolutely LOVE this! The way you did her hair is so beautiful!

  6. Saskia your work is really so lovely, I love all I see here on your blog, so many beautiful creations!

  7. trop chou, c'est vraiment super adorable, biz

  8. She certainly would make you feel happy with that sweet face and pretty pink flowers. Blessings!

  9. oh this is adorable, makes me so happy!

  10. Wow! You did a lot of work with all three projects. I love the cheerful colors for this time of year.

  11. She is gorgeous! Love the variety of pinks you've used!

  12. Wat leuk! hier word je helemaal vrolijk van! (plus het doet me naar de lente verlangen ....)

  13. Oh how adorable and so well done ~ love her!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  14. That is super sweet! What a lovely design!

  15. Love all the pink and her pretty flower hair.

  16. Oohh! She's absolutely adorable! You had me at her pink hair! xo

  17. Awww how cute is that! She is so adorable with her funky flowerhat!! The heartpaper fits so well :)
    ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my blog. Have a great day. Greetings, Saskia