vrijdag 5 februari 2016

B.... is for Blue!

In de online-class van Carla Sonheim, 'Y is for Yellow', hadden we leuke opdrachten voor 'B... is for Blue'!  De Blauwe Periode van Picasso, Dick Bruna, Blue Bunny en Blue Bear waren mijn resultaten! Héél fijn om telkens weer andere creatieve technieken te proberen!
At the online-class, 'Y is for Yellow' from Carla Sonheim, I had fun with B... is for Blue! The Blue Period of Picasso, Dick Bruna (illustrator), Blue Bunny and Blue Bear are my creations for B. It's so fun to practice new techniques!

Smiles, Saskia

29 opmerkingen:

  1. Beautiful work Saskia, have fun with your course. Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  2. Ja ik zie je schilderwerk op facebook langs ,omen, ontzettend leuk zeg!! Ik vind dat konijn super leuk. De Picasso doet niet onder voor een echte! Hahaha!! Nee zonder gekheid, hij is echt super leuk!

  3. Love your Blue Bunny the most! have a great week, Happy PPF

  4. Love all your adorable blue work!! Good job!!

    Hugs Giggles

  5. So cute! Love the little critters--and blue happens to be my favorite color (right now). I went through a pink stage last year--but then back to blue. Have a lovely weekend! xo

  6. Love the little blue animals. Great job!! have a wonderful Sunday!!

  7. Wonderful painting and sketches. They all have such great character! Happy SS

  8. Brilliant blue artwork Saskia,
    Happy SS to you

  9. I can tell you had fun working with the different genres in blue. Happy Sunday Sketches! #17

  10. Wow- 2 extremes. A very beautiful very artistic face and some adorable sketches. You have such a range of talent!

  11. beautiful beautiful work!

  12. Your blue exercises are so inspiring and so cute to look at! It's great to see different techniques and the outcome. This seems to be an awesome course.

  13. Very fun! I am jealous, i had thought about taking that class as well! Looks great!

  14. very nice; i thought of Picasso at my first viewing

    much love...

  15. So good Saskia you shared it in another painting group I h
    Just notticed ,, thanks

  16. Love the blue Bunny. Looks like fun.

  17. very good Picasso-like face, and adorable blue animals.


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my blog. Have a great day. Greetings, Saskia