zondag 16 februari 2014

'Never forget your inner child'

Ik vond de inspiratie voor dit portret bij Willowing And Friends. Tamara Laporte biedt er een fijne (en gratis) online art-class aan, 'heart, art & healing'. Ik gebruikte héél véél wasco, potloden, stempels, papier,... 
Mijn allereerste 'portret' deel ik graag bij Sunday Sketches!
I found the inspiration for this portret by Willowing And Friends. Tamara Laporte has a free art-class, 'Art, heart and healing'. I used a lot of oil-pastels, pencils, stamps, paper,...
I like to share my very first portret at Sunday Sketches!

9 opmerkingen:

  1. Oh this is lovely! I love your colours and the overall feel. Happy Sunday!

  2. Beautiful painting...love the quote too... :)

  3. She is adorable and love the 'inner child' quote ~ thanks, Great sketch for SS ~ Happy Week to you ^_^

    carol and artmusedog

  4. so lovely. I love her pretty little heart shaped lips.

  5. Heel knap ....in't echt nog mooier, have fun ...maar dat heb je ... En je resultaat is nog super mooi ook !!?


  6. Good Morning, dear Saskia!
    So glad to read your comment and to find your Blog.
    I love your reminder about our inner chield. Sometimes we forget these important Part of ourself, and so is an reminder and such a lovely painting so welcome.
    Hugs and greetings from Erika


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my blog. Have a great day. Greetings, Saskia