zondag 23 februari 2014

Quirky Birds

Zo leuk om te maken, deze 'Quirky Birds'! Ik volgde een online-class bij  Willowing Arts - Quirky Birds en ben best tevreden met het resultaat! Ik gebruikte 'in water oplosbare pastels', echt fijn om mee te werken! Ik doe graag mee met de Sunday Sketches!
So fun, making 'Quirly Birds'! I followed a online-class at Willowing Arts - Quirky Birds and I'm happy with my birds! I used 'water-soluble colour wax pastels', great to work with these pastels! I share my work at Sunday Sketches!
Groetjes, Saskia

18 opmerkingen:

  1. Wow, the paintings you made are great!! Thanks for visiting my site!


  2. What beautiful creatures! I love the swirls on the owl.

  3. I adore your quirky birds, so fab. Annette x


  4. What adorable pictures of birds! Love them. Sirkka

  5. Bedankt voor je berichtje die je hebt achtergelaten.
    Ben gelijk bij jou komen kijken.
    Wat een leuke tekeningen van de vogels.

  6. Love the whimsical look and great colorist ~ for SS ~ thanks,

    artmusedog and carol

  7. Wonderful birdies - so cute. Happy SS

  8. Ohhh, I LOVE your quirky birds! I remember that video - one of my favorites - and what you did with yours is just wonderful. I love the colors you choose and especially love the bird with the eyes and red heart. xo

  9. These are so great. I love all the colours. Thanks for the link also...I'm trying to experiment with new types of art. I'm going to check this out. Happy SS

  10. These are very cute! I want to play with them!!!!

  11. These are lots of fun. Sounds like a great course!

  12. The second and the fourth are my favourites :)

  13. Great to see you back in blog-land Saskia!
    These are fabulous, love the bright happy colours too :)

  14. Your quirky birds are so much fun!! I love the colors :)

  15. I love your gorgeous and individual Quirky birds. What a wonderful card your montage of four will make.


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my blog. Have a great day. Greetings, Saskia